Gruntsplatter – Pest Maiden

Noise ambient plague sounds take hold as we discuss Gruntsplatter’s “Pest Maiden” from 1999 on Troniks. “Pest Maiden” exists in 3 forms, a two song 7”, a limited cassette, and a CD which features the complete picture. We go deep into the CD and it’s many references to the plague. Rounding out this episode, not only did we talk with Scott Candey, the man behind Gruntsplatter, but we also interviewed Jonathan Canady (Deathpile, Blunt Force Trauma) and Phil Blankenship (Troniks, The Cherry Point) to discuss working with Scott and their relationship to his work.

Bacillus – Epidemic

We go into the world of microbiology and old school noise with Bacillus’s “Epidemic” cassette from 1995 on his own Clotted Meat Portioning label. Viruses, pandemics, diseases and short bursts of pure noise all rear their head in our discussion. We also spoke with Peter Keller of Bacillus through the safety of technology. True ’90s American noise.

RRR Taste Test Series

Chris Sienko wowed us with the unknown-to-us RRR Taste Test tape series. In the early 90s, RRR made sampler tapes of items in the RRR catalog. They look amazing. They sound amazing. They are amazing. The tapes send us into a discussion of our early noise explorations, including shows at the Fireside Bowl and the mystery of discovering noise in the 90s.

Thirdorgan – Pessimistic Cyborg (with guest Jay Howard)

We were thrilled to have our guest Jay Howard of Circuit Wound bring his copy of Thirdorgan “Pessimistic Cyborg” to the Noisextra studio and proceed to shred our mechanical insides. The whole crew is left numb and dazed, but wanting more. We also dug up a very rare interview with Akihiro Shimizu and relay some of what he had to say. So ahead of the curve, there is no better time to dive head first into Thirdorgan.

Emil Beaulieau – Anti-Performance (with guest Chris Sienko)

We are joined by Chris Sienko of As Loud As Possible magazine to discuss the legendary Emil Beaulieau “Anti Performance” cassette from 1991. After having been mentioned on nearly every Noisextra episode, we finally devote an entire episode to the “greatest living noise artist.” Chris dug in extensively to which anti-record is being played when as well as the history behind each record. We also discuss visiting RRR, and all try our own versions of Beaulieau’s dance moves. Straighten your tie, sharpen your record needle, and destroy all music.

Runzelstirn & Gurgelstock – Asshole / Snail Dilemma (with guest Ryan Martin)

We are joined by Ryan Martin of Dais Records, Robert & Leopold & Copley Medal to discuss Runzelstirn & Gurgelstøck’s “Asshole/Snail Dilemma.” Ryan is writing a book on R&G and the entire Schimpfluch Gruppe, so we couldn’t have had a better person to dig into this album. We cover the early days as well as the era that this CD is a part of. Pull up a plate of spaghetti and wash your brains with Runzelstirn & Gurgelstøck.

Con-Dom – The Eighth Pillar

The time has come for us to take on one of the greatest works of the 20th century, Con-Dom’s “The Eighth Pillar : A Confession Of Faith.” We dive deep, not only into the album and the work of Mike Dando, but also into the life of the man that inspired the album, T.E. Lawrence, as well as his monumental book “The Seven Pillars of Wisdom.” Let us walk in the way of insight.

Murder Corporation – New Crimes

We’re back in Pure-land and back in Italy for Murder Corporation’s “New Crimes” CD. Culled from an insanely limited 8 tape box set, the CD represents a  perfectly distilled version of a staggering piece of work. Moreno Daldosso, the man behind Murder Corporation, was kind enough to answers some questions that we sent him, and we relay his answers throughout the episode. Open the vents and let the death wind in. 

Lull – Cold Summer (with guest David Reed)

David Reed of Envenomist joins is to discuss “Cold Summer” by Mick Harris’s void ambient project Lull. We go many places with this hauntingly staggering album, from the artificial jungle to the sanctum just out of reach. David also discusses some of his recent work, as well as his early days getting into noise. Find your isolation shelter and fall slowly into Lull.