In Conversation with Jeph Jerman (Hands To)

Jeph Jerman of Hands To/City of Worms/Big Body Parts and so much more joins us for an in depth discussion of his entire work. Jeph has been going since the early 80s and we get into everything from his use of field recordings, made up words, and philosophy on listening. Another engrossing noise history lesson is in session — be sure to bring a tape recorder to capture all sounds.

Discussing Eric La Casa and Lionel Marchetti with Erik Hoffman (Groundfault)

Erik Hoffman was cool enough to have us to his home to discuss two landmark Ground Fault CDs in the field recording realm: Eric La Casa “The Stones of the Threshold” and Lionel Marchetti “Portrait D’Un Glacier.” Erik relays some thoughts on the albums as well as working with each artist. We get into the importance of field recordings, where they can take you, and how they fit into the noise world.

In Conversation with Sam Rosenthal (Projekt Records)

We were thrilled to have Sam Rosenthal of Projekt Records, Black Tape for a Blue Girl, and more join us to head down atmospheric dark ambient branches. Sam has been operating since the early 80s and shares his thoughts on his own work, the artists that were part of the label, and how the music landscape has changed. An insightful history shadowy world of Projekt Records.

Trashware: Mike Connelly

You knew it had to happen sometime. That time is now. Greh cornered Mike and asked him all sorts of stuff. Guitar? Check. Death Metal pedal? Check. Air organ? Check. Vocals? Check. And of course we talk his latest evolution of Failing Lights, working with Tara in Yellow Gas Flames, how Clay Rendering has influenced his solo work, and what it’s like to operate the Los Angeles Serial Killer Synthesizer Club.

In Conversation with John Wiese

John Wiese was in town so it was a perfect time to sit down and have a chat. We focus on Wiese’s love of the 7” format but of course we get into many aspects of John’s work, from his early days in California to Sissy Spacek’s upcoming tour with Blood Incantation. Boil sound down to its essence and give all your attention as the 7” spins.

In Conversation with Old Tower

All Hallows’ Eve approaches and the Specter rises to let us into the shadow kingdom of Old Tower. We had an enchanting discussion on his process and philosophy, going from Old Tower’s beginnings to the new album “The Old King of Witches.” Build a twilight world and tear apart the fabric of reality. Let the cauldron spill over.

In Conversation with Chad Davis of Subklinik

October has crept in, and we begin the month by speaking with Subklinik, aka Chad Davis. Subklinik has been wandering the landscapes of death industrial for over two decades and let us in to his world and process. We get into his early days, working with Marco Corbelli, his relationship with death, and much more in this captivating discussion.

Kiyoshi Mizutani – Bird Songs

In our first episode on a Ground Fault Series 1 CD, we bring nature inside with Kiyoshi Mizutani’s “Bird Songs.” Tara supplies the info on some of the specific birds heard on this album, and we all get lost in a sea of trees. Let the natural world lay down the atmosphere in your unnatural surroundings.