In Conversation with Skin Crime

Noise History class is underway with a full-to-the-brim episode focusing on the Skin Crime s/t LP on Hospital Productions from 2003. We had a conversation looking back on this time with Pat, and appropriately (as you’ll hear), Mark jumps on out of nowhere near the end. We talked with Dominick leading up to the episode and insert his recollections and thoughts on releasing the very first Hospital LP throughout. Part “in conversation,” part “audio documentary,” all SKIN CRIME.

For the ExtraNOISEXTRA segment on the patreon, we hear a lot more background from Dominick including Peter Lee’s involvement, the idea behind the center labels, and a story of laying out the LP with his teacher. This segment immediately follows the regular episode on the patreon feed.

Noise Mailorder Catalogs

The three of us got together to go through some 90s mailorder catalogs. We sift through catalogs from three classic distros: Malignant, Artware, and RRR. Comparing and contrasting the differences among them made for a lively noise discussion. Head back in time via invaluable printed matter.

In Conversation with Andy Ortmann (Panicsville, Nihilist Recordings)

We had a great time catching up with our old friend Andy Ortmann of Panicsville and Nihilist Recordings. Andy has been doing it since 1992 with no signs of stopping. From his beginnings in St. Louis to relocating to Chicago, we go into his entire noise history. Ortmann has worked with innumerable artists and his passion for the underground has never wavered. Head thru a portal to the outer limits and forget about the return.

For the ExtraNoisextra segment on the patreon, Mike pulls out a compilation VHS that Andy made for Mike over 20 years ago. We go through the entire contents and have a blast heading down VHS memory lane.

The Last House on Dead End Street (with Adam Higgins of Vombis)

October screamed for an episode on a soundtrack and a movie, and we landed on the hate-filled nihilism of “the Last House on Dead End Street.” In the first part of the episode, we talk to Adam Higgins who released the soundtrack on LP. He tells us how the record came together and how he figured out where all the tracks came from. After he heads back to work, we get into the movie itself. It is very appropriate listening and watching for the darkest month.

In Conversation with Ben Chasny (Six Organs of Admittance, Comets on Fire)

Ben Chasny of Six Organs of Admittance joins us for a great talk on a different branch of the underground. Six Organs has provided some incredible outer folk and expansive guitar work since the 90s. His newest album “Sleep Tones” is a full on double LP or pure ambient just released on VDSQ. Chasny has also worked closely with David Tibet, from being in the live Current 93 line up to handling some guitar on the magnificent “The Light is Leaving Us All.”

For the ExtraNoisextra segment on the patreon, we’ve included one side of the “Sleep Tones” album. This selection comes right after the interview to send you to the dream side.

In Conversation with Dan Burke (Illusion of Safety)

Illusion of Safety is one of the longest running projects in the industrial noise underground, and Dan Burke was cool enough to sit down with us and go over his entire history. From seeing the final Throbbing Gristle show in San Francisco, to creating the IOS world with all its collaborators, Dan has stories and insight for days. It’s another mandatory history lesson on Noisextra.

In Conversation with James P. Keeler (Wilt)

We had a great discussion with James Keeler of Wilt, celebrating his 25 years in the underground. James goes into his early days in rural Illinois, the beginnings of Wilt, putting together the classic “Radio 1940,” and plenty more. We were excited to hear about his themes, use of instruments and non instruments, and how it’s translated to the live setting. Turn on your short wave radio and tune in.|