Chop Shop – Steel Plate

Break the metal mold with Chop Shop “Steel Plate.” A heavy release in every sense, we explore the sonic sculptures of Scott Konzelmann. Two 10″s and a booklet strapped to a sheet of metal, this is one of the great 90s noise packages. Listen and witness physical sounds through visible sources

Trashware: Mike Connelly

You knew it had to happen sometime. That time is now. Greh cornered Mike and asked him all sorts of stuff. Guitar? Check. Death Metal pedal? Check. Air organ? Check. Vocals? Check. And of course we talk his latest evolution of Failing Lights, working with Tara in Yellow Gas Flames, how Clay Rendering has influenced his solo work, and what it’s like to operate the Los Angeles Serial Killer Synthesizer Club.

In Conversation with John Wiese

John Wiese was in town so it was a perfect time to sit down and have a chat. We focus on Wiese’s love of the 7” format but of course we get into many aspects of John’s work, from his early days in California to Sissy Spacek’s upcoming tour with Blood Incantation. Boil sound down to its essence and give all your attention as the 7” spins.

Macronympha – Intensive Care

Macronympha deliver one of the definitive American Noise albums with “Intensive Care” on Self Abuse from 1998. We received a letter from Joe Roemer and relay info on the album and Macronympha directly from the source. Primal sound steamrolls the status quo world. Blow out every little sound and submit to total noise.

Slaughter Productions

We will never get enough of Slaughter Productions, so we decided to take a look at 3 individual cassettes released by the label: Stratvm Terror “The Only True Septic Whore,” Slogun “A Breed Apart,” and Contagious Orgasm “Defective Merchandise.” All 3 tapes represent different countries and styles that highlight the curation of Slaughter. We add a cassette compilation – “Slaughter Age 95” – on the Extra Noisextra for our patrons, showcasing Marco’s knack for putting together outstanding comps.

In Conversation with Chad Davis of Subklinik

October has crept in, and we begin the month by speaking with Subklinik, aka Chad Davis. Subklinik has been wandering the landscapes of death industrial for over two decades and let us in to his world and process. We get into his early days, working with Marco Corbelli, his relationship with death, and much more in this captivating discussion.