Thirdorgan – Jinzoningen

With the full NWN/Hospital Japan Fest line up announced, we go all in on Thirdorgan, the cyborg of night two. “Jinzonigen” is Thirdorgan’s 1998 LP on Harbinger Sound. We answer the questions posed in the track titles. We prepare for the dystopian future where Hakaider and Loch Ness Monster will lead us to new lands. Thirdorgan is the harshest of them all, and this LP showcases exactly why. Do you believe?

In Conversation with Ron Morelli (L.I.E.S. Records)

Ron Morelli (L.I.E.S. Records ) joins us today to discuss a different branch of experimental electronics. Ron’s ambient albums are Noisextra favorites. We dig into those, as well as his history in techno, his L.I.E.S. Records label, and his fantastic new album “Heart Stopper.” Ron brings a unique perspective to the underground and it was a blast hanging out and having this discussion.

Haus Arafna – Children of God

Continuing with our look at classic albums of the past, we enter a world that is very close to Greh’s heart. Haus Arafna’s “Children of God” is a unique record in their own lane of industrial. Self-called “angst pop,” we get into the structured noise of this long running German project. Tune in for some electronic terrorism.

For the ExtraNoisextra segment on the patreon, we discuss the Galakthorrö label and why it is a standout among labels of a similar ilk.

Controlled Bleeding – Distress Signals

It’s our first episode on a Broken Flag cassette, and Controlled Bleeding “Distress Signals” felt like the appropriate entry to dive into. Controlled Bleeding have always taken their own path, and even this early on, we see glimpses of zones they will enter in the future. This soundtrack for nihilism will rub you raw.

Tetsuo: The Iron Man

“Tetsuo : The Iron Man” is a film that has been an influence on countless noise and industrial artists, so for a different style episode, we cover this legendary Japanese film. Metal fetish, sexual obsession and pure do-it-yourself underground aesthetics place this movie firmly in the Noisextra world. For many people, this was their first taste of Japanese extremity, for two Noisextra hosts this is their first time watching. How did they feel? Pierce your thigh with a metal rod and find out.

Masonna – Noisextra

With the announcement of Masonna’s first set in years at the NWN/Hospital fest in Osaka, we instantly knew it was time to finally discuss the CD that is our namesake. Masonna “Noisextra” on the legendary Pure series packs every punch today that it did in 1995. We talk this album as well as the impact Masonna has had on all of us in our lives of noise. It’s all things Masonna today, and will be for the next year until we get to finally see the Sonic Devil himself live in Japan.

Dave Gilden discussion with Jim Haras

Jim Haras (Deterge) is releasing a massive Dave Gilden box set on his Fusty Cunt label. Jim was in town, so he came over to the Connelly household to have a talk about Gilden and the process of putting the box set together. Dave Gilden’s work was once of the least attainable, but there’s been a vast unearthing of his material in the past few years, and Jim’s box set will be a huge look at Gilden’s discography. In addition, we get into Jim’s noise history.

In Conversation with Blister Pack

The mountain men of Blister Pack join us today for a great talk on ’90s noise, true crime, video stores, and so much more. Emerson Murray and Nik Weisend were not only Blister Pack, but ran the Plague in Perspective label that focused on special packing. They both have solo projects — Nik as Hive and Emerson under his own name — and both have continued on different paths of art, from visual to the written word.

Brighter Death Now – Innerwar

Classic album overview time is here again. Brighter Death Now’s “Innerwar” is a pivotal album for industrial PE. The CD on Release was a staple in all 90s collections and it holds up better than ever to this day. A true landmark in the death industrial power electronics noise world, “Innerwar” is for everyone who’s had enough.