S-Core “My Candle Has Died”

S-Core simply exists. There is no beginning or end. “My Candle Has Died” has always been there, it just took S Core to tap into the stream and bring it to life. A perfect album on a perfect label. These things live in no time and in all times. S-Core resides in mind. S-Core forever and ever.

Hair Police – Mortuary Servants

Illness is running around the Noisextra studios, so for this week we are releasing a patreon episode covering the Hair Police “Mortuary Servants” 7.” Mike and Tara discuss its background and history including the cover, the recording, driving to pick up the records, the strange pressing of the B side and more. Early days, gnarly times.

In Conversation with Christoph Heemann

Having recently discussed his collaboration CD with Merzbow, we thought it’d be a great time to have a conversation with Christoph Heemann. One of the main culprits behind H.N.A.S, Ultra, Mirror and so much more, Christoph provided some incredible insight and an equally incredible laugh. This is a great historical episode that looks at the underground from the ’80s and beyond.

For the extra segment on the Patreon, Christoph talks about working with David Tibet and being a part of Current 93’s “Soft Black Stars.”

Chris Watson – Weather Report

In keeping with tradition, we dive into the waters of field recordings for February and this time we discuss on of the classics of the genre – “Weather Report” by Chris Watson. Having spent time in Cabaret Voltaire and Hafler Trio, Waston set out on a lifelong journey recording in the field. “Weather Report” was his first compositional album in this style, and we get into every aspect of each track, from titles to location to possible sounds heard.

Mortar – self-titled

It’s the dead of winter and a Slaughter Productions tape felt appropriate for seasonal hibernation. Mortar’s self titled cassette fit the bill perfectly. Mortar is a necro project of Moreno Daldosso of Murder Corporation. Ancient times, old stones, sand, dirt, and storms are all present on this excellent 90s Italian cassette. Let this be the soundtrack to your crypt.

Contagious Orgasm – The Flow of Sound Without Parameter

Following up last week’s episode, we wanted to discuss an album by an artist from “Japanese/American Noise Treaty,” and we landed on Contagious Orgasm “The Flow of Sound Without Parameter” on Ground Fault. It’s a Series II CD and is as strange as it is wonderful. We love Ground Fault and we love Contagious Orgasm, so you can guess how we feel about this one. Hydrate your thirsty teeth and head out on your mission.

The Japanese/American Noise Treaty (with Mason Jones)

Class is back in session for another mandatory noise history lesson as we had a great discussion about “The Japanese/American Noise Treaty” with the man who curated it, Mason Jones. Mason gives us all the background and history of putting this mammoth document together. We get into the order, how artists were chosen, why some aren’t on it, the design and layout, and so much more. It’s truly one of the most important noise compilations of all time, and was incredible to get the story from the man responsible.