Enter a mysterious realm with the classic Nekrophile Rekords compilation “The Beast 666.” A truly legendary release, we discuss all the details and references with the titles, cover art and more. Assume the entry pose and let the sea of Cefalu wash over your mind’s landscape. “The Beast 666” is one of the great artifacts of the industrial underground.
Tag: zero kama
In Conversation with Zoe DeWitt (Zero Kama, Korpses Katatonik, Nekrophile Rekords)
Zoe DeWitt is a bona fide legend of industrial culture and ritual underground. We were thrilled for Zoe to sit down with us to discuss the entire history of Nekrofile Records and her projects Korpses Katatonik and Zero Kama. We get into many aspects of her work, from musical output to fashioning instruments out of human bones to her work within the occult and much more.